How to find SQL Server Replication related jobs and T-SQL statements
Verbose log is heavily used in replication troubleshooting. You need to find the right job to enable to verbose log. However, it's not easy to find the jobs when you have hundreds replication jobs in one server. Here is how: 1.Distribution agent Following queries list all the distribution agent jobs, including push subscriptions and pull subscriptions. (You may need add more clause to customize your queries). By default, the SQL Server agent job names equal to the agent names for push subscription, unless you explicitly modify the job names. use distribution---in distributor server if not exists(select 1 from sys.tables where name ='MSreplservers') begin select JobName, AgentName, a.publisher_db,a.publication as publicationName, as publisherName , as subscriber,a.subscriber_db, a.local_job From MSdistribution_agents a inner join sys.servers sp on a.publisher_id=sp.server_id--publisher inner join sys.servers ss...