
Stub plan

 My boss has started SQL performance-related sessions, and I have benefited a lot. I'd like to share what I have learned from these sessions. Q: How many entries does the CACHESTORE_SQLCP have if I execute the following two T-SQL statements sequentially and auto-parameterization is used. select *From t20240712 where c1=1 go select *From t20240712 where c1=2 A: It has three entries. One real query plan and two stub plans pointing to the real query plans. SELECT t.text, p.query_plan,  cp.plan_handle, cp.objtype ,cp.size_in_bytes,cp.usecounts   FROM sys.dm_exec_cached_plans   cp CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_query_plan(cp.plan_handle)    p CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(cp.plan_handle)  t WHERE text like '%t20240712%' and text not like '%dm_exec_cached_plans%' Here are the screenshots of 'stub plan' and 'real plan', which shows that 'stub plan' is just a shell. Too many stub plans may reach the soft quota limit that cause plan CACHESTORE_SQLCP run i

SQL Server CE: Multiple single-column statistics connected by OR

  In post  SQL Server CE: Multiple single-column statistics , I discussed the selectivity when   AND   is used to join the columns in Where clause. Today, I'm going to talk about the OR operator   Let's say we have four predicates connected by OR with selectivites P0,P1,P2 and P3,   Legacy CE  The combined selectivity is : 1-(1-P0)*(1-P1)*(1-P2)*(1-P3). If there are only two predicates, the formula is relative simple: (P0+P1)-(P0*P1)   New CE 1.The combined selectivity is : 1-(1-P0)*(1-P1)^(1/2)*(1-P2)^(1/4)*(1-P3)^(1/8) 2.P0,P1,P1 and P2 are the selectivity of each value of the column in WHERE clause and  P0>P1>P2>P3. 3.We can have up to 4 predicates. If there are more than 4 columns in the where clause, it only counts the first 4, the rest of them are ignored. Combined selectivity of four predicates: 1-(1-P0)*(1-P1)^(1/2)*(1-P2)^(1/4)*(1-P3)^(1/8), where   P0>P1>P2>P3. In practice, Please use following formula to calcualte the selectivity if the combined sel

SQL Server CE: Multi-columns statistics

  In post  SQL Server CE: Multiple single-column statistics , I discussed how SQL Server calculates Multiple single-column statistics. I'm going to talk about the 'multiple-columns statistics' today.     Here are examples , adventure 2019 OLTP  database is used in this example   ------- Data manipulation------------------------------------------- alter database [AdventureWorks2019] set compatibility_level=150 go use [AdventureWorks2019] go if exists(select 1 from sys.tables where name='SalesOrderDetail') drop table SalesOrderDetail go select * into SalesOrderDetail from Sales.SalesOrderDetail---- import all the data into new table SalesOrderDetail. Go --Create two statistics explicitly. The first statistics has two columns create statistics I_ProductID_UnitPrice on SalesOrderDetail(ProductID,UnitPrice) with fullscan create statistics I_UnitPrice  on SalesOrderDetail(UnitPrice) with fullscan ------- Data manipulation-------------------------------------------   NEW C

SQL Server CE: Multiple single-column statistics

Skip to footer con The SQL Server Query Optimizer is a cost-based Query Optimizer. For one specific query and tables,  SQL Server creates the query plan based on the estimated rows. Hence, understanding how SQL Server calculate the estimated rows helps you troubleshoot query plan related issues. I’m going to start a series of posts talking about SQL Server CE(Legacy/New).   The way that SQL Server calculates the estimated row of one single predicate is straightforward and simple. Well, it becomes a little bit complex when SQL Server handles more than one predicates.  Unlike the one single predicate, SQL Server has different strategies for Legacy CE and New CE. In Legacy CE, SQL Server assumes that data distribution on different columns are  independent ;  In New CE, SQL Server assumes that data distribution on different columns are correlated.  For short, the estimated rows returned by New CE is generally greater than the rows returned by  Legacy CE.   Here are examples , adventure 201